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Last night, 6-18-03, I had a night full of strange dreams. Well, really there were only 2, but they were enough to make my night weird.

The first one had Joe Ivester in it, who I haven’t seen for about a year now. I hear he is going to go into the Air Force in a couple of months and I think I should call him before he leaves, but I keep forgetting.

Well, lets get to the dream. . .picture the desert at sunset, a flat orange-tinted dirt plain. There was a group of us, just hanging out, having fun. We rented these motorcycle type vehicles to ride around for fun, and since there were only so many of them, we would have to pair up if we wanted to ride. The guys of the group took them out first so the others could decide who they would ride with. When they came back, the last of the caught my eye. They were all wearing helmets, so you couldn’t really tell who was riding which bike, but when the last one in took off his helmet, it was Joe. I tried to talk to him and get caught up on how he’s been and all, since it had been so long, and he added some to the conversation, but then he got very cold and told me things that the Joe I used to know would never say to me. (you see, he was my first love. We never officially went out or anything, but we spent a lot of time together and pretty much acted as though we were dating.) He was saying things like, "last year, you were just there. I never actually liked you, it was just convenient at the time" and things of that nature. I was so shocked and stunned to hear these atrocious words, I stopped and walked the other way and out of my first dream.

When I drifted into my next dream, it made up for the last one by far. This one had Elliott Osborne in it. At the end of the last school year, he moved back to Chicago, where he was from. He was Joe’s best friend, and a really great guy. I have been talking to him online recently, and he says he might come to Vegas this summer for a while. Thus opening my dream. . .A large group of friends were hanging out in an unknown house, and Elliott being there was no suprise. He was visiting after all. Well, since we were really great friends before he left for Chicago, I was trying to spend as much time as I could around him. As people started leaving , Elliott and I walked into this room, which was practically dark. We were alone in the room, away from the madness, and I gave Elliott a hug, because we hadn’t said hello to each other directly when we saw each other there. . . In this dream, while talking to him online, I must have confessed my love to him, or else the next part wouldn’t make sense. . .as we were hugging, he said, "Do you remember when you told me you fell in love with me? Well, deep in my heart, I love you too." Then it was slow motion time. . .it was a perfect movie scene. We would have gotten scars up the kazoo if it had been real. You know how in movies, you know when people are gonna kiss because they look at each others lips ?Well, thats what we did, then we kissed really slow and passionately. Even if it was a dream, I think it was the best kiss I have ever had.
The dream went on a little longer, but nothing that is of importance happened, Elliott and I were together and thats all that really made sense. I hate when that happens, don’t you? I told you I had weird dreams, but hey, the last one was pretty awesome, right?

Other new stuff!
June 13th and 14th I spent time at Kelly's house, and we saw 2 baseball games at Cashman Field. One of the main reasons we went the first time was because Lyndon Shinn, Steven Arnold, Eric Braner, and Andrea Buelow work there and we wanted to get pics of Steven doing the Chicken Dacne and Lyndon in his uniform. I told Lyndon and he got us awesome seats cuz we're special like that (ha), and after the game Kelly's parental units took us to eat at Boulder Station. Then I slept over at her house and we made banana pancakes and BBQ spare ribs in the morning. While we were BBQing I watched, and tried to sing along to Laos Karaoke disks that her mom put in. It was hella fun. They were telling me the meaning of the songs, and there was one about a guy who owned a chicken and he was petting it like you would a dog when his wife came out and got jealous because he never touched her like that. . .funny stuff, huh? Then her dad told us he got us tickets for that night too, so we went to that one also.